If your interest in Christian coaching has been sparked and you’re searching for information on this high impact profession and ministry, you’ve come to the right place!

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Simplify your search for resources. Learn more by the overview provided at this page. Then dig deeper into the excellent recommended resources.


What is Christian coaching?
In his ground-breaking book, Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential into Reality (2001, 2009), Christian leader Gary R. Collins defines coaching as “the art and practice of enabling individuals and groups to move from where they are to where they want to be.”

In 2013, members of the Christian Coaches Network International (CCNI) identified definitions, distinctions and competencies of professional Christian coaching. Agreeing with the professional definition of coaching established by the International Coach Federation, CCNI went on to further define Christian coaching.

“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” (International Coach Federation)

“Christian coaching is a professional relationship focused on empowering a person or group to effect change, create new awareness, move into action and step into abundant Christian life in business and in personal areas.” (Christian Coaches Network International)

Sign up here to receive The Life Coaching Comparison Tool (free resource) which compares life coaching to counseling, consulting, spiritual direction, mentoring/discipleship and pastoral care. Key to coaching is an understanding of the distinctions between coaching and these other similar relationships.

What about training and credentials?
  • Do I need training? To promote yourself as a coach, training is not required but it is definitely recommended. You want to craft your coaching skills and offer your clients service with high integrity. You want to present yourself with credibility and confidence. Training sets your foundation for success.
  • How do I find accredited training? Professional training is accredited and approved by the International Coach Federation. For those interested, there are Christian faith-based coach training programs professional accredited and approved by ICF. Use The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training to find ICF approved Christian coach training.
  • Do I need credentials? You are wondering if credentials are required to become a coach. Not at this time. But your real question is whether or not you need training and credentials to be successful. That depends on your vision. My vision included successfully obtaining professional coaching contracts. I can report that my ICF approved training and credentials were instrumental in securing the three largest contracts I’ve been offered in my coaching career.  Your vision may be different than mine. For example, if you plan to use coaching in your local church ministry, serving as a lay leader, you will definitely benefit from professional coach training but you may not need credentials to fulfill your vision.
  • What else do I need to know? Caution! Credentials and certifications are not all equal. Know the differences.  Read this blog post and Don’t Let this Happen to You!
  • Use The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training to find the training that is right for you!
What does it take to start a coaching business or ministry?

Here are four keys that lay the foundation for your success:

  • Professional Coach Training – Ensure you are offering stellar service by choosing excellent training that equips you to support high impact results for your clients.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset – If you will be owning and operating a coaching business or ministry, you will be an entrepreneur. Whether it comes naturally or not you will be acting as an entrepreneur. If this is not a natural mindset for you, it can be learned but it cannot be avoided. This is something to be fully aware of so you can knowingly take on the challenge.
  • Hard work – Sometimes coaching is “sold” as an opportunity with the claim that all you need is a phone and an easy chair and money will come rushing your way. This is not true. As rewarding as the job is, it requires hard work and commitment.
  • Calling or Leading from God – To build a foundation for success, pray through every aspect. Choose your path based on where you believe God is leading you.

Sign up here to receive the Successful Coaching Business or Ministry Checklist (free resource) to learn more about what it takes.

Do I have what it takes to be a coach?

Consider whether you have the following:

  • Skills and passion for coaching
  • An entrepreneurial mindset or the willingness to learn
  • Leading from God

Work with an experienced coach to sort through your decision to become a coach. Contact Linda to work with her.

Attend Linda’s next Becoming a Coach: What You Want to Know free webinars for more information to help you discern if coaching it right for you. Sign up for news and updates and you will be notified of the opportunity to sign up for the next scheduled teleseminar.

How do Christian coaches integrate faith and practice?

Christian coaches share many skills and approaches with secular coaches but certainly have significant differences as well. For example, even non-believing coaches can believe all are created with purpose. But as Christians we believe that God is the creator. Also, like secular coaches, we believe our clients can discover what they need from within. But we believe our clients make their discoveries not because they are so brilliant in and of themselves, but because they are a brilliant creation of God and if they are believers, they have God’s Spirit within them.

Some market themselves a Christian Coaches. Typically, those who do are reaching out to a target market of Christians and the client is seeking a faith-based coaching context. Sample target markets would be Christian women who are empty-nesters or Christian professionals in sales.

Other professional coaches who are Christians do not market themselves as Christians. Their coaching niche is likely not specific to Christians, such as career coaching or executive coaching.

Learn the difference between life coaching and counseling and other helping professions.




The Life Coaching Comparison Tool


Start your coaching library with these books:

  • Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential Into Reality by Gary Collins
  • Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills and Heart of a Christian Coach by  Tony Stoltzfus
  • Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business Transforming Lives by Kimsey-House et al.
  • The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training by Linda Hedberg

Need Mentor Coaching for your ICF ACC credential? Contact Linda to explore working with her as your mentor coach.


Need help creating a website? This website was developed by Rayna Neises of the HelpDesk@TakeHeart .

Need mentor coaching for your ICF ACC credential? Contact Linda to explore the possibility of working with her as your mentor coach.


All professional coaches should be aware of the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ICF is the oldest and largest association of professional coaches in the world. The ICF accredits schools and credentials coaches. Learn all you can at the ICF website.

A careful consideration and practice of ethics and risk management is beneficial for all coaches. Dr. Michael Marx released a textbook in 2016 as a resource for entry to mastery level coaches. Ethics and Risk Management for Christian Coaches can be found at Amazon.

Christian Coaching Resources